Wednesday, November 7, 2012


gotta be the first boy in
that’s me
never late
no, never, couldn’t be me?
cuz I want to be better than what you see me
make me out to be
always dissing me
cuz you got a Ph.D
more like STD
stereotype dick
fucking the cool out of everybody
spreading labels 
chicks with feathers
guys like me
cuz we shop at outfitters
but you’re just a bitter
know it all bitch
fucking book smart bitch
but I’m fucking street smart bitch
and I know these fucking streets
like day and night
while you are only ever here by light
but bitch step into the shadows
and let’s see how smart you are
let’s see you write on walls
tell them ghetto boys how hardcore you are
call them hipsters
call them hippies
wanna see them get pissy?
piss on you
fuck you too
gang bang
ying yang 
all the way to china town
take out bag
truck stop
body parts
fucking bitch is dead by brunch  
but gotta be the first boy in
that’s me
never late
no, never, couldn’t be me?